Power Belfer

Engineering for Power Systems

About the Power Belfer

Wojciech Kosman
(Wojtek for short, pronounce: voy-tech)

Year of birth:

Professor at the Silesian University of Technology,
Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery

Professional experience:

Main research projects since 2010:

2010 - 2015 Strategic Research Programme - Advanced technologies for obtaining energy: Development of technologies for highly efficient zero-emission coal-fired power units integrated with CO2 capture from flue gases. Role: coordinator and main research contributor in the subproject 2.3 Feasibility and Availability Studies of the main machines, devices and systems. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland.
2014 Assessment of the operation of a 13K215 power generating unit under a decreased load. Role: leader. Funder: EDF, Poland.
2016 Investigation of the leakage effects in a low power steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: WIROMET Ltd., Poland.
2016 Determination of the power output increase after a modernization of a 13UP55 steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland.
2017 Influence of the additional groove at the tip seal of the rotor blades in the first stage on the efficiency of the 13UP55 steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland.
2017 - 2018 Habilitation grant: Design and operational methods to decrease thermal stresses in supercritical steam turbines. Role: leader. Funder: Silesian University of Technology, Poland.
2019 Strength analysis of an ash discharge grate in a steam boiler. Role: leader. Funder: FPM Ltd., Poland.
2020 Assessment of the operation of a 13P55-0-2 steam turbine with a removed stage. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland.
2019-2021 Programme 200 Plus: Innovative technologies to modify the operation of 200 MW power generating units. Role: research contributor. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland.
2022-2024 Polish power industry decarbonization plan by means of modernization with use of generation III/III+ and IV nuclear reactors. Role: research contributor. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland.
2022-2025 SUStainability development and cost-reduction of hybrid renewable energies powered Hydrogen stations by risk-based multidisciplinary approaches. Role: research contributor. Funder: EIG Concert Japan through the National Centre for Research and Development.

Teaching experience - courses: