Wojciech Kosman
(Wojtek for short, pronounce: voy-tech)
Year of birth:
Professor at the Silesian University of Technology,
Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery
Professional experience:
Main research projects since 2010:
2010 - 2015 | Strategic Research Programme - Advanced technologies for obtaining energy: Development of technologies for highly efficient zero-emission coal-fired power units integrated with CO2 capture from flue gases. Role: coordinator and main research contributor in the subproject 2.3 Feasibility and Availability Studies of the main machines, devices and systems. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland. |
2014 | Assessment of the operation of a 13K215 power generating unit under a decreased load. Role: leader. Funder: EDF, Poland. |
2016 | Investigation of the leakage effects in a low power steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: WIROMET Ltd., Poland. |
2016 | Determination of the power output increase after a modernization of a 13UP55 steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland. |
2017 | Influence of the additional groove at the tip seal of the rotor blades in the first stage on the efficiency of the 13UP55 steam turbine. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland. |
2017 - 2018 | Habilitation grant: Design and operational methods to decrease thermal stresses in supercritical steam turbines. Role: leader. Funder: Silesian University of Technology, Poland. |
2019 | Strength analysis of an ash discharge grate in a steam boiler. Role: leader. Funder: FPM Ltd., Poland. |
2020 | Assessment of the operation of a 13P55-0-2 steam turbine with a removed stage. Role: leader. Funder: Doosan Babcock Energy, Poland. |
2019-2021 | Programme 200 Plus: Innovative technologies to modify the operation of 200 MW power generating units. Role: research contributor. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland. |
2022-2024 | Polish power industry decarbonization plan by means of modernization with use of generation III/III+ and IV nuclear reactors. Role: research contributor. Funder: National Centre for Research and Development, Poland. |
2022-2025 | SUStainability development and cost-reduction of hybrid renewable energies powered Hydrogen stations by risk-based multidisciplinary approaches. Role: research contributor. Funder: EIG Concert Japan through the National Centre for Research and Development. |
Teaching experience - courses: